1) Attract members with a professional medical service


Your business has been on standby for the last 12 months, the recovery will be crucial for clubs to attract new prospects and sign up members.

Customers have developed new habits, some will not come back and others use fitness applications or do remote coaching.

Offering a new service that they can’t find outside your club will make you indispensable by regularly monitoring their fitness with body composition assessments.

2) Generate new revenues with body composition assessments


Many eBIODY customers have chosen to charge for this service.

The professional can set a price per measurement or propose a new subscription formula including a bio-impedancemetry follow-up.

Choosing eBIODY means ensuring a reliable measurement and a certain profitability from the very first month.

3) Offer a simple and quick evaluation


Some body composition analysis equipments are restrictive:


– It is difficult for the member to undress

– The equipment is cumbersome

– It takes a long time to take measurements

– Consumables are expensive


eBIODY offers :

– A simple and fast measurement

– A light and transportable device

– No additional costs

– No need to undress the person

– Connected applications

4) Monitor your members’ progress


Your member may not be able to see his or her weight change and may become demotivated and give up.


eBIODY allows you to monitor progress and set personalised objectives. At the same weight, you may have gained muscle or water but lost fat.

Use the impedance meter every 2 weeks to keep your members loyal and to gain motivation thanks to the results.

They can also check their progress directly on their smartphone.

5) Opt for the global DietiCoach concept including: nutritional plan and help with the sale of sales support for supplements


Based on the body composition results, the DietiCOACH software allows you to recommend a nutritional plan adapted to the client.

In a few clicks, the coach proposes menus approved by the table of nutritional composition of foods composition table (CIQUAL) in line with their physical objectives.

The software also allows you to automatically prescribe your food supplements according to the different parameters (weight gain, weight loss, weight maintenance, etc.).

The overall concept allows you to maximise results for the member and generate additional income.